More Dentists are choosing to sell dental scrap to TSC EcoSolutions. Why? They get top dollar for their gold and PFM crowns. Plus they have the good feeling of blessing children through our work with America’s ToothFairy. More and more dentists are turning to our Direct Buyers because they are trustworthy, consistent, and provide great service and prices. […]
In a recent post on its site, America’s ToothFairy acknowledged a grant award made possible through a TSC EcoSolutions grant to help support families in need. With resources generated from buying dental scrap from our dental clients across the nation, we have been able to support the mission of the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation. […]
Maintaining your dental health is one of the most important things you can do. You only have one set of teeth and they should last your whole lifetime! When you have issues with your teeth, it can affect everything else that you’re doing until they’re fixed. Trust in your dentist, as well as routine dental […]
Do you have dental scrap lying around from old dental restorations that have been replaced? Many dental crowns and bridges are made with precious metal alloys that can be worth real money. Whether you have had an old crown replaced or you are a dentist who has a collection of dental scrap taking up space, […]
Going to the dentist isn’t the most fun activity for many. However, some people find the very idea of being in a dentist’s chair to be completely nerve-wracking. As a dental professional, you provide an invaluable service in not only being able to care for your patients’ teeth, but also in educating them so that […]
Discussing financial details is no one’s idea of an enjoyable experience, but it’s often necessary. It’s something people should discuss before moving in together, or getting married, and it’s certainly something medical professionals should discuss with their patients. Financial terms are vast and often confusing when it comes to medical treatments, work, and co-pays. Insurance […]
There is no doubt that social media has taken the online world by storm. Today, the various social media platforms not only provide an avenue for communicating with family and friends but are also important marketing tools for businesses. Regardless of how small or big your dental practice is, you will miss out on amazing […]
Opening and starting a private dental practice has its challenges, yet can be incredibly rewarding. However, starting the dental practice is only the first leg of the journey. Now that your practice is open for business, it’s important to get business through the door or you won’t be able to keep that same door open […]
More modern materials, like porcelain and ceramic, are popular today because their color offers a more natural look and is less noticeable. Gold crowns, on the other hand, are hard to miss. That being said, there are numerous benefits of gold crowns that you can’t find with any other material. These benefits include: High resistance […]
Gold in its very essence is shiny, beautiful, and ultimately noble. It has long been a sign of royalty, riches, and refinement. Unless, you spend a lot of time looking at how it came out of the ground. Like most industries in the world, there are good guys and bad guys. There are plenty of […]