More Dentists are choosing to sell dental scrap to TSC EcoSolutions. Why? They get top dollar for their gold and PFM crowns. Plus they have the good feeling of blessing children through our work with America’s ToothFairy. More and more dentists are turning to our Direct Buyers because they are trustworthy, consistent, and provide great service and prices.
Some dentists wonder how they can participate in humanitarian efforts directly or indirectly in their profession. In fact, at DentalTown, dentists regularly discuss ways to provide benefit to the needy locally or internationally. We make it very, very simple to have a regular impact. Dentists need only save their gold and PFM crowns and regularly choose to sell dental scrap to us through our Direct Buyers or through our CrownPak mail-in program.
Through America’s ToothFairy, we helped Cass Community Health Foundation.
Here’s a tangible example of the impact dentists can have when they sell dental scrap to EcoSolutions. Were so touched by the thank you note. Take a look!
EcoSolutions Staff2020-10-14T09:10:12-06:00